Congee Queen Menu Prices Current 2024

Searching for the latest Congee Queen Menu? Your search ends right here! Here is a complete list of the Congee Queen Menu Canada along with images and updated prices.

Congee Queen Menu 2024

We can easily Classify the Congee Queen Canada Menu as following:

  • Popular Pairs 人气组合
  • Super Bowl Congee 皇牌大粥
  • Soup 湯類
  • Fried Rice 炒飯
  • Gourmet Dish and Side Order 小炒及小吃
  • Rice Noodle Roll 即蒸腸粉類
  • Desserts 甜品
  • Congee 生滾粥品類
  • Noodles 麵類
  • Barbecued 馳名燒臘
  • Noodle in Soup 湯麵類
  • Thai Fusion 泰式美食
  • Beverages 飲料
Fried Chili Turnip Patties 星洲炒蘿蔔糕 + Choice of Congee 生滾粥品類C$ 13.75
Shredded Chicken and Duck with Egg Congee 鳳凰雞鴨絲粥 + Choice of Side Order 小炒小食類C$ 11.5
Shredded Pork and Gold Preserved Egg Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥 + Choice of Side Order 小炒小食類C$ 9.75
Yeung Chow Fried Rice with Shrimp and BBQ Pork 楊州炒飯+Choice of Side Order 小炒小食類C$ 17.25

If you want to explore more delicious menus from WorldMenu, then check more: Kibo Sushi Menu

Congee Queen Canada Menu – Chef’s Selections 主廚精選

Assorted Fungus and Six-Grains Congee 雜菌竹笙六穀粥C$ 11.5
Beef with Mushroom 蘑菇蔥爆牛肉C$ 23.5
Deep Fried Sea Bass with Secret Sauce 皇后秘製燒汁銀鱈魚C$ 27.5
Empress Fried Rice 皇太子鰻魚炒飯C$ 22.5
Fried Tiger Shrimp and Chicken with Mango 香芒龍鳳球C$ 24.5
G1 BBQ Duck 皇后掛爐燒鴨C$ 21.5
House Seafood and Mixed Vegetable Fried Taiwanese Vermicelli 七彩海皇新竹米粉C$ 22
House Super Bowl Congee 皇后大粥C$ 24.25
Roasted Pork 金牌脆皮燒肉C$ 18
Shrimp Wonton Noodle in Soup 鮮蝦雲吞麵C$ 11.25
Spicy Softshell Crab Fried Rice 香辣軟殼蟹炒飯C$ 22.5
Stir-Fried Sirloin with Rice Noodle Roll in Satay Sauce 沙爹牛柳炒腸粉C$ 19

Menu Of Congee Queen Canada – Super Bowl Congee 皇牌大粥

Assorted Fungus and Six-Grains Congee 雜菌竹笙六穀粥C$ 11.5
Clam, Mustard Green and Salted Egg Congee 芥菜鹹蛋大蜆粥C$ 15.25
House Super Bowl Congee 皇后大粥C$ 24.25
Lobster Super Bowl Congee 生滾龍蝦窩粥C$ 42.75
Pork Bone, Dried Stockfish and Peanut Congee 柴魚花生咸豬骨粥C$ 11.5
Pumpkin Congee with Rock Crab Meat and Vegetarian Shark Fin南瓜蟹肉素翅粥C$ 14
Seafood Super Bowl Congee 海鮮大粥C$ 23
Shredded Chicken and Duck with Egg Super Bowl Congee 鳳凰雞鴨絲大粥C$ 11.5
Congee Queen Menu

Congee Queen Menu Canada – Congee 生滾粥品類

Conpoy Congee 瑤柱靚白粥C$ 4.75
Lai Wan Style Congee 荔灣艇仔粥C$ 9.75
Minced Mixed Vegetables and Corn Congee 雜菜粟米粥C$ 9.75
Salmon Congee 三文魚片粥C$ 11.5
Scallop with Tiger Shrimp Congee 鮮帶子蝦球粥C$ 13.5
Shredded Pork and Gold Preserved Egg Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥C$ 9.75
Shredded Pork with Preserved Salt Egg Congee 鴛鴦蛋肉粥C$ 9.75
Sliced Beef Congee 生滾滑牛粥C$ 9.75
Sliced Fish and Beef Congee 魚片牛肉粥C$ 10.75
Sliced Fish and Pork Liver Congee 魚片豬潤粥C$ 10.75
Sliced Fish Congee 香茜魚片粥C$ 10.75
Tiger Shrimp Congee 生滾蝦球粥C$ 11.5

Congee Queen Prices – Soup 湯類

Shrimp Wonton Soup 鮮蝦雲吞湯C$ 13
Seafood with Bean Curd Thick Soup 海皇豆腐羹C$ 13
Mushroom with Egg Drop Thick Soup 磨菇蛋花湯C$ 12
Minced Chicken Corn Thick Soup 雞茸粟米羹C$ 13
Minced Beef with Egg White Thick Soup 西湖牛肉羹C$ 13
Hot and Sour Soup with Shrimp and Pork 酸辣湯C$ 13
Crab Meat with Fish Maw Thick Soup 蟹肉魚肚羹C$ 14.5
Crab Meat with Corn Thick Soup 蟹肉粟米羹C$ 13

Congee Queen Canada Prices – Noodles 麵類

Cantonese Chow Mein 廣東炒麵C$ 22
Chicken with Vegetable Chow Mein 玉蘭雞柳炒麵C$ 18
Fried E-Fu Noodle with Soya Sauce 干燒伊麵C$ 18
Fried Handmade Udon with Seafood in Japanese Style 海鮮炒巑岐手打烏冬C$ 22
Fried Handmade Udon 干炒巑岐烏冬C$ 18.5
Fried Rice Noodle with Meat and Soya Sauce 干炒河C$ 18
Fried Rice Noodle with Meat and Vegetable 時菜炒河C$ 18
Fried Rice Noodle with Satay Sauce 沙爹炒河C$ 18
Fried Rice Noodle with Sliced SO醬干炒牛河C$ 20.25
Fried Thick Noodle with Shrimp and Shredded Pork in Shanghai Style上海粗炒C$ 18
Fried Vermicelli with Shrimp and BBQ Pork in Singapore Style 星洲炒米C$ 18
Fried Vermicelli with Shrimp and Chicken in Home Style 家鄉炒米C$ 18
House Seafood and Mixed Vegetable Fried Taiwanese Vermicelli 七彩海皇新竹米粉C$ 22
Lobster with Ginger and Green Onion E-Fu Noodle 薑蔥龍蝦伊麵C$ 47
Mixed Vegetable Chow Mein 什菜炒麵C$ 18
Seafood Chow Mein 海鮮炒麵C$ 22
Shredded Chicken Chow Mein 雞絲炒麵C$ 18
Shredded Duck and Preserved Cabbage Braised Vermicelli 雪菜火鴨絲炆米C$ 20.25
Shredded Pork Chow Mein 肉絲炒麵C$ 18
Soya Sauce Chow Mein 豉油皇炒麵C$ 14.5
Spicy Sambal Chow Mein 參巴炒麵C$ 18
Stewed E-Fu Noodle with Crab Meat 蟹肉炆伊麵C$ 20.25
Teriyaki Seafood Ramen in Osaka Style 大板燒和風拉麵C$ 22

Congee Queen Menu Prices – Fried Rice 炒飯

Yeung Chow Fried Rice with Shrimp and BBQ Pork 楊州炒飯C$ 17.25
Vegetarian Six Grains Fried Rice with Egg 田園六穀炒飯C$ 21
Steam Rice 白飯C$ 3.75
Spicy 辣C$ 15.25
Spicy Soft Shell Crab Fried Rice 香辣軟殼蟹炒飯C$ 22.5
Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice 蝦仁炒飯C$ 18.5
Shrimp and Chicken Fried Rice Cream and Tomato Sauce 太極鴛鴦炒飯C$ 22.5
Shredded Chicken Fried Rice 生炒雞絲飯C$ 17.25
Seafood with Pineapple Fried Rice 菠蘿海鮮炒飯C$ 21
Seafood with Pineapple Fried Rice 菠蘿海鮮炒飯C$ 0
Seafood with Dried Garlic Fried Rice 蒜香海皇炒飯C$ 21
Seafood and Chicken Fried Rice in Fukien Style 福建炒飯C$ 21
Satay Beef Rice 沙爹牛肉飯C$ 15.25
Mixed Vegetable Fried Rice 雜菜炒飯C$ 15.25
Meat with Chilli Black Bean Rice 豉椒飯C$ 15
H16 Curry Chicken Rice 咖喱雞飯C$ 17.25
H16 Curry Beef Brisket Rice 咖喱牛腩飯C$ 17.25
H15 Minced Beef Fried Rice 生炒牛崧飯C$ 17.25
Empress Fried Rice 皇太子鰻魚炒飯C$ 22.5
Diced Chicken Salted Fish Fried Rice 咸魚雞粒炒飯C$ 18.5
Crab Meat and Vegetarian Shark Fin with Conpoy Rice in Chicken Broth 蟹肉素翅捞瑶柱飯C$ 23
Conpoy Egg White Fried Rice 翡翠太白瑤柱炒飯C$ 22.5
Chef Special Fried Rice with Scallop, Shrimp, BBQ Pork and Preserved Sausage 闊佬炒飯C$ 21
Canadian Smoked Salmon Fried Rice 煙三文魚炒飯C$ 22.5
Beef Brisket Rice 柱候牛腩飯C$ 15
Congee Queen Menu Prices Fried Rice 炒飯

Congee Queen Canada Menu – Barbecued 馳名燒臘

Two Assorted BBQ Rice Combo 雙拼飯C$ 16.75
Two Assorted BBQ Noodle in Soup 雙拼湯麵C$ 13.75
Two Assorted BBQ Combo 燒味雙拼C$ 20.5
Soya Sauce Chicken 玫瑰豉油雞C$ 15
Soya Sauce Chicken Leg Rice 玫瑰豉油雞脾飯C$ 15
Roasted Pork 金牌脆皮燒肉C$ 18
Roasted Pork Rice 脆皮燒肉飯C$ 15
Roasted Duck Rice 明爐燒鴨飯C$ 15
Doubled Boiled Chicken Rice 皇后走地雞飯C$ 15.25
Double Boiled Chicken 皇后貴妃雞C$ 18
BBQ Sparerib with Honey 蜜燒排骨C$ 17
BBQ Pork with Honey 蜜汁叉燒C$ 15.5
BBQ Pork Rice 蜜汁叉燒飯C$ 13.75
BBQ Pork Noodle in Soup 蜜汁叉燒湯麵C$ 11.5
BBQ Platter 燒味拼盤C$ 59.25
BBQ Duck 皇后掛爐燒鴨C$ 21.5
BBQ Duck Noodle in Soup 明爐燒鴨湯麵C$ 12

See Also: Symposium Cafe Restaurant & Lounge Menu 

Congee Queen Gourmet Dish And Side Order 小炒及小吃

Beef with Mushroom 蘑菇蔥爆牛肉C$ 23.5
Crispy Tiger Shrimp and Mango Salad Tossed with Custard Sauce 布吉奶油老虎蝦芒果沙律C$ 24.5
Deep Fried Sea Bass with Secret Sauce 皇后秘製燒汁銀鱈魚C$ 27.5
Deep Fried Shrimp Dumpling 炸鳳城水餃C$ 14
Diced Sirloin with Chili Black Pepper in Golden Bowl 金杯黑椒牛柳粒C$ 26.5
Fried Oyster with Belacan Sauce 馬拉盞生蠔C$ 34.5
Fried Sweet Sour Pork 咕嚕肉C$ 17
Fried Tiger Shrimp and Chicken with Mango 香芒龍鳳球C$ 24.5
Mixed Fungus and Fried Gluten 生筋雜菌煲C$ 24.5
Pan-Fried Prawn with 乾燒大蝦C$ 23.25
Pork Rib with Onion 皇后豬仔骨C$ 23.25
Snow Pea Leaves with Garlic Sauce 蒜茸炒豆苗C$ 21.75
Spice and Pepper Slice Garoupa Fillet 椒鹽班片C$ 24.5
Spicy and Contain Peanut 辣及含花生C$ 22
Spicy 辣C$ 21.75
Stir Fried Lobster in Hong Kong Style with Minced Pork 避風塘炒龍蝦C$ 49
Stir Fried Lobster with Ginger and Green Onion 薑蔥炒龍蝦C$ 44
Stir-Fried Seafood with Vegetable 海鮮炒芥蘭C$ 27.25
Sweet and Sour Garoupa Fillet 五柳班片C$ 24.5
Sweet Corn Garoupa Fillet 粟米班片C$ 24.5
Szechuan Style Tiger Shrimp 四川炒老虎蝦球C$ 24.5
Thai Style Deep Fried Sea Bass with Mango Salad 泰式香芒銀鱈魚C$ 27.5
Vegetarian Stir-Fried with Yam Roots, Lotus Roots, Pumpkin and Fungus 山藥鮮竹燴粗齋C$ 23.25
Wok-Seared Chicken in Black Bean Sauce 豆豉爆爆雞C$ 23.25

Congee Queen Prices – Noodle In Soup 湯麵類

Beef Brisket Noodle in Soup 牛腩麵C$ 10
Beef Tendon Noodle in Soup 牛筋麵C$ 10
Deep Fried Pork Chop Noodle in Soup 豬扒湯麵C$ 11.25
Dumpling Noodle in Soup 鳳城水餃麵C$ 11.25
Fish Ball Noodle in Soup 魚蛋魚片麵C$ 10
Satay Beef Vermicelli in Soup 沙爹牛肉湯米C$ 11.25
Seafood Handmade Udon in Soup 海鮮巑岐湯鳥冬C$ 12.5
Shredded Duck with Preserved Cabbage Vermicelli in Soup 雪菜火鴨絲湯米C$ 11.25
Shredded Pork with Preserved Cabbage Vermicelli in Soup 雪菜肉絲湯米C$ 11.25
Shrimp Wonton Noodle in Soup 鮮蝦雲吞麵C$ 11.25
Vegetable and Noodle in Soup 菜遠湯麵C$ 6.75

Congee Queen Menu With Prices – Rice Noodle Roll 即蒸腸粉類

BBQ Pork Rice Noodle Roll 蜜汁叉燒腸粉C$ 6.75
Beef and Dough Fritter Rice Noodle Roll 牛肉炸兩C$ 8.25
Chicken and Chinese Mushroom Rice Noodle Roll 北菇雞肉腸粉C$ 6.75
Dough Fritter Rice Noodle Roll 即蒸炸兩C$ 6.75
Minced Beef Rice Noodle Roll 陳皮牛肉腸粉C$ 6.75
Pan-Fried Minced Beef and Golden Mushroom Rice Noodle Roll 煎金菇牛肉腸粉C$ 9
Shrimp and Chive Rice Noodle Roll 韭王蝦腸粉C$ 8.25
Steamed Rice Noodle Roll with Sesame 嫩滑凈腸粉C$ 5.25

Congee Queen Canada Menu – Thai Fusion 泰式美食

House Pad Thai with Chicken and Shrimp皇后泰式炒河C$ 21.25

Congee Queen Menu – Desserts 甜品

Rice Jello with Coconut Milk 椰汁西米露C$ 6
Mixed Fruit with Rice Jello 雜果西米露C$ 6.5
House Special Dessert 皇后秘制甜品C$ 6.5

Check Also: Shake Shack Canada Menu

Congee Queen Canada Menu – Beverages 飲料

Black Jello Freeze 涼粉冰C$ 6.75
C Plus 橙汁飲料C$ 3.5
Coffee 香濃咖啡C$ 4
Diet Coke 健怡可樂C$ 3.5
Lemon Coke 西檸可樂C$ 5
Lemon Honey 西檸蜜C$ 4
Lemonade 西檸水C$ 4
Milk Tea in Hong Kong Style 香濃港式奶茶C$ 4
Mixed Fruit Freeze 雜果冰C$ 6.75
Nestea 雀巢檸檬茶C$ 3.75
Perrier 有氣蒸溜水C$ 4
Pineapple Freeze 菠蘿冰C$ 6.75
R21 Ginger Ale 薑汁汽水C$ 3.5
Red Bean Freeze 紅豆冰C$ 6.75
Sprite 雪碧C$ 3.5
Tea and Coffee Mixed 香滑鴛鴦C$ 4

Is Congee Queen Canada Menu Halal?

Congee Queen Canada is not a halal certified restaurant as it serves pork.

The information in this post has been gathered from these sources of Congee Queen Canada:

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